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My wife Shawn and I are blessed to call Enterprise our home! We love our community and this city! I am proud to announce that I am running for mayor! I am asking for your prayers, support and your vote in August 2020 to be the next mayor of Enterprise, Alabama!
God created ALL men and He created ALL of us equal in His sight. We are made in His image and every single person has been given a purpose and plan designed by God and He has given each of us a Divine calling upon our lives. Racism has no place in our lives, our country, or our hearts. Please take a few minutes and watch our response to the events happening in our society today.

I have enjoyed being able to talk with many of the citizens of Enterprise and to hear what they would like to see in our city.

Better roads, more restaurants, more retail and small businesses, continuing to build our relationship with Ft. Rucker and military-related industries. I will do my best to achieve this and more and to continue to give a voice to the citizens of Enterprise!

"I was born and raised in Enterprise and I believe Lister has the qualities of a leader and that his hard work, character, servant's heart, and wisdom will help him to be a great mayor for the City of Enterprise!" -Jordan Moore.
"I've been married to Lister for 34 years and I believe that he will be an excellent mayor because Lister is the same man at home as he is in public. This is our story." -Shawn Reeves.
I want to encourage you! The last several weeks have not been easy, but I believe that we as Americans and as citizens of the city of Enterprise are strong and we can make it through anything together!
My dad was my hero! He instilled in me a love for my country, taught me how to serve others, and showed me how to work hard for everything. I believe all that I learned from my dad will help me to be a servant-leader mayor for the City of Enterprise
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